“If you put Raffy Devers at DH, you’re in for a world of problems. Too young, and now you’re gonna take a guy, who has to be on the field working everyday if you want that body to hold up. You make him DH? It’s not good. It does not work out for young players like that”.
While Reynolds may have a point, the biggest counterpoint is actually in the form of a Red Sox legend, and the greatest DH of all time: David Ortiz. Ortiz was 28 in 2004 when the Sox moved him from first base to permanent DH. Devers’ age? 28 years old.
Devers has long been compared to Ortiz, and this move would be another way to follow in his footsteps. Devers has even hinted at the fact he’s ok with moving now, so it might be the right play.
Hopefully it is, and Devers becomes the second coming of Big Papi for years to come.